Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bl-ack to Bl-asics

I miss MySpace. There - I said it. Ridicule me all you like, but it was a simpler time when random strangers would read your blog and post comments and make you feel validated as a writer. You could write about ANYTHING and change topics from day to day - week to week - whenever you got the urge to write about something different. You didn't have to Tweet a Blog Link, FaceBook a Blog Link, or Linkedin a Blog Link (I don't even have Linkedin yet so I'm not even sure that's possible or advisable...) People just found your profile and read your blog - the way they used to read horoscopes out of tattered magazines lying around the Dr.'s office before Kindle and SmartPhones. You didn't need to 'specialize' in a certain topic to get people to read. And you didn't need to create an entirely different blog for writing about Yellow Bell Peppers if you were already writing about Red Bell Peppers because you were afraid you'd lose Google Rank and diminish your SEO. In fact, very few of us even knew what SEO was. We were young voyeurs in training back then - innocently peaking into each other's lives though translucent cyber windows - naively believing that That Hot Guy Who's New In Town 1)actually looked like his profile pic, 2)had never done anything like this before, and 3)wasn't looking for a hook-up cause he just wanted to make friends even though he didn't want to meet you in a public place and thought it would be better to just come over to his house at like 1am to watch movies... We didn't have list meta tags to convince people to read it because it was comedy, parody, funny, KITTENS!!!!! And we didn't have to insert hashtags to let people know #JustHowFrikinCleverWeWere. No. MySpace was a sort of Camelot for writers. Blogging was simple, fun, therapeutic. And now, just as the Romans usurped the Greeks, so too has Facebook, Twitter and other sites that people link to their Facebook and Twitter (cause let's face it, no one spends as much time anywhere else - except maybe Pinterest...)usurped the Blogga Paradise that was MySpace. That Cyber-lization has crumbled, and with it, the freedom to blog about whatever we damn well felt like writing about. Well screw it! I used to love blogging because of it's simplicity. So I'm bringing simple back. Here, Gentle Reader, you will find a potpourri of my thoughts, my Andy Rooney-esque ramblings, and maybe even a poem or two if you're lucky! I vow to write with reckless abandon and passion. I vow to write without reason - even if I occasionally choose to rhyme. I vow to share both heartbreak (ya know, if I actually have any of THAT) as well as triumph! And if nothing else - I vow to 'keep it real,' because that's what initially drew me to blogging in the first place. It was a chance to sort my real life into cohesive words and thoughts, in hopes that in condensing my life into simple written truth, I might somehow be able to find actual meaning in some of the random day to day shite that can feel so meaningless. So I invite you to join me in this humble quest. Your Average Goddess has returned (My old MySpace 'handle') - at least until the zombie apocalypse...


  1. Coming soon... learning how to format so I have actual paragraphs and spaces where I typed them...

  2. I agree with you. I've tried posting poetry, quotes, and theuraputic comments all the time on Facebook and wish others would do the same. I too miss MySpace a d blogging. I like to know what people are thinking and feeling and I learned a long time ago that if you want people to start opening up, start by opening yourself up; problem is that on Facebook I mostly got ridiculed for it. I want to know what my friends are feeling and thinking, the people I work with, the people I am interested in knowing in whatever level that may one day be and no, I should never be a negative regardless of what they say. You must take the good with the bad because everyone has both and we are all human and we are never perfect. I will join you in this adventure! :) I'm sure now you regret it. ;)

  3. Tumblr is what I use. I had a Blogger blog for years, but Tumblr fully integrates with Twitter, FB, and other sites. I make one post and it goes everywhere. :) FB is too many "Aunt Edna" type of bullshit posts about what someone eats and such. Google+ is great but mainly "Tech and Industry" type of posts. Which is why once again I make a single Tumblr post and it goes everywhere on the Intertubes.
