Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Keep Me Hanging On...

Ah – the life of a working actress…

So – I’ve been in NYC since 9/20/14 and truthfully things are going great.

Photo Credit: ME Bitches!!! ;)
 Thanks to a couple fellow former Floridians, I’ve lucked into a really great Glee-esque living situation, and I started booking work right away through one of the biggest Extra’s Casting companies in the country!

The checks aren’t huge (yet) but they ARE coming, and I’ve been having a blast working on some fun TV shows and films in the process.  I even managed to book a role in a Crime Reenactment series AND I was offered core work on another series!

For the uninitiated, Core is one of those Holy Grail deals in the world of background work.
Via Giphy.com - reddit.com
You get picked to become a recurring extra.  For example – one friend worked all last season as an inmate on Orange is the New Black.  It makes sense to see the same faces in a prison setting from week to week.  So sometimes a casting company schedules a wardrobe (costume) fitting for you early in the season, sends you a pile of potential shooting dates to keep open, and become an It boy or girl as far as extras go :D

Fame and fortune?  Not quite… But regular work for a full season of shooting is a HUGE plus in a business where you’re literally applying for work DAILY.  Typically, you go into a month with no way of knowing how many days of work you’ll actually book.  So being invited to work several days a month for the same show is an epic WIN.

But enough about The Biz - back to me!  (What? Just channeling my inner pilot ;D )

So I get contacted for Core work – and I’m like, "SCORE!" but then as the proverb goes: Shit - it happens…  In this case, “shit” was snow.  Last Monday and Tuesday pretty much every production in the city shut down in anticipation of Snow-Mageddon 2015, which turned into – "Huh… so that’s a blizzard???"
happychristmasyafilthyanimals.tumblr.com Via Giphy.com
 Still, I got an email Monday morning telling me that due to weather, my fitting would need to be rescheduled for a later date.

No worries.  I snagged a nice Korean lunch in midtown with a friend, took up residence at a local coffee shop and caught up on some serious Facebooking. 

Oh yeah – and I began checking my email every hour on the hour for my rescheduled time.  It didn’t come…

By Wednesday, I found out I’d booked my audition from the prior week and they wanted to shoot me on Friday and Saturday.  So I reached out to the “core work” casting agency to let them know I was still available for a follow-up fitting on Thursday or Sunday.  They hit me back and told me there wouldn’t be any more fittings that week – but they’d let me know about me rescheduled date.

This I find out Thursday morning.  It’s a little late for me to book work that day.  Fine – this is the city that never sleeps and I have Wi-Fi and Netflix.  I can keep myself entertained...

Friday and Saturday I shoot the crime reenactment.  It was totally fun, low stress and a good time!  The director was a really great guy and we powered through so fast that I was released just after lunch the first day and just before lunch on the second. 

Still checking my email like a jealous girlfriend.  Still no rescheduled date.

Now… I get another email from another casting company I’d worked for just before Christmas.  They used me on an HBO pilot in an office scene.  Turns out, they’ll be going back to that same office now that the series is picked up.  Would I like to come back to work?  Hell yes!

So I had a fitting for THAT series yesterday.

Still no word back from the original series I booked.  The shitty part is, I can see all the other roles they’re looking to fill in all the emails that I get from the online casting service I use.  It’s like a guy saying, “Babe, I totally want to go out with you, as soon as I get the chance.”  So you wait for his schedule to clear up.  Meanwhile you keep seeing photos of him on Facebook with other women and you’re like, “What the hell???  Your schedule was free enough to get HER out of her clothes!”  (Okay – now I’m just mixing my metaphor with the fact that I’m literally waiting for the production company to get me out of my clothes…. And INTO theirs!) 
www.tumblr.com Via Giphy.com

And today I wait some more.  I wait for either of the jobs I’m already booked on to contact me and give me something – anything to do – other than wait…

Just because your boyfriend hasn’t called you for a few days isn’t a reason to jump on OKCupid and line up another date – is it???

I should just go play my Ukulele in the subway for spare change…

Funny – isn’t it – that things are actually going great and I still managed to let myself get stressed?  I’ve been picked for TWO series this season, but I don’t want to not be available when they need me, so I’m all chicken-shit about booking new work while I’m waiting for them to call.

So instead of blowing up their phones or emails, I’m rationally whining about it to you in a blog!  Thank you for your understanding and support :)

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